Academic Activities

This page lists the students I have advised or co-advised, along with other academic-related activities.

UCL Master Thesis Supervision

Since 2019, I have supervised or co-supervised 15+ master’s theses at UCL on the following topics:

  • Distributed privacy-preserving petition systems
  • Side-channel attacks using machine learning techniques
  • Performance comparison of cryptographic algorithms for BFT consensus
  • Safety attacks detections for BFT consensus
  • Privacy-preserving reputation-based systems
  • Privacy-preserving and decentralised contact discovery mechanisms
  • Privacy-preserving single-sign on schemes
  • Dynamic parameters optimisation of consensus protocols
  • Horizontally scaling DAG-based BFT consensus protocols
  • Systematisation and improvements of blockchain indexers and scanners
  • Crash fault tolerant consensus protocols
  • Blockchain rollups with various threat models

Interns Supervision

I Advised or co-advised the following interns.

Interns at Mysten Labs

InternInstitutionInternship YearOutcome
Giulia ScaffinoTU Wien2024Sunfish
Grace CimaszewskiPrinceton University2024Network simulator for Sui
Scofield LiuImperial College London2024TBD
Srivatsan SridharStanford University2024TBD
Kushal BabelCornell Tech2023Mysticeti
Quentin KiepETH Zurich2023Pilotfish
Giorgos TsimosUniversity of Maryland2023Hammerhead
Tony ZhangUniversity of Michigan at Ann Arbor2023Pilotfish

Interns at Meta

InternInstitutionInternship YearOutcome
Neil GiridharanUC Berkeley2022Bullshark
Guy GorenTechnion2022PoA
Shir CohenTechnion2021, 2022Carousel, PoA
Mahimna KelkarCornell Tech2021STROBE, Zef
Zhuolun XiangUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign2021Jolteon and Ditto

PC Duties

I served in the following program committees: