
I had the opportunity to speak at the following events.

Invited Talks

DeCenter Spring Conference

Princeton, USA, 2024
Panel 1: Frontiers in Layer 1 Blockchain Infrastructure
Hosted by Pramod Viswanath

EPFL Seminar

Lausanne, Switzerland, 2024
Mysticeti: The New Core of the Sui Blockchain [slides]
Hosted by Brian Ford

ETH Zurich Seminar

Zurich, Switzerland, 2024
Mysticeti: The New Core of the Sui Blockchain [slides]
Hosted by Adrian Perrig, Roger Wattenhofer

Imperial College London Seminar

London, United Kingdom, 2024
Mysticeti: The New Core of the Sui Blockchain [slides]
Hosted by Peter Pietzuch

Berkeley Seminar

Berkeley, USA, 2024
Mysticeti: The New Core of the Sui Blockchain [slides]
Hosted by Natacha Crooks

Stanford Blockchain Research (CBR) Seminar

Stanford, USA, 2024
Mysticeti: The New Core of the Sui Blockchain [slides] [recording]
Hosted by David Tse, Joachim Neu

Cornell Seminar

Ithaca, USA, 2024
Mysticeti: The New Core of the Sui Blockchain [slides]
Hosted by Lorenzo Alvisi, Florian Suri-Payer

NYU Blockchain Seminar

New York, USA, 2024
Mysticeti: The New Core of the Sui Blockchain [slides]
Hosted by Yevgeniy Dodis

Yale Visitor Talk

Yale, USA, 2024
Mysticeti: The New Core of the Sui Blockchain [slides]
Hosted by Fan Zhang

UCL Seminar

Online, 2024
Mysticeti: The New Core of the Sui Blockchain [slides] [recording]
Hosted by Philipp Jovanovic

University of Bern Seminar

Online, 2024
Mysticeti: The New Core of the Sui Blockchain [slides]
Hosted by Christian Cachin

University of Cambridge Seminar

Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2024
Mysticeti: The New Core of the Sui Blockchain [slides] [recording]
Hosted by Alastair Beresford

X Space: Mysticeti on Testnet

Online, 2024
Mysticeti on Testnet
Hosted by Wayne Cunningham

X Space: ZK Validator | Sui

Online, 2024
A Chat with Sui
Hosted by Philipp Jovanovic

ETH Zurich Network Security Course (Graduate)

Online, 2023
The Sui Smart Contract Platform [slides]
Hosted by Adrian Perrig

UCL Seminar

Online, 2023
Narwhal-BullShark: DAG BFT Protocols Made Practical [slides] [recording]
Hosted by Philipp Jovanovic

Starkware Seminar

Online, 2023
BullShark: DAG BFT Protocols Made Practical [slides]
Hosted by Ilia Volokh

ETH Zurich Network Security Course (Graduate)

Online, 2022
The Sui Smart Contract Platform [slides]
Hosted by Adrian Perrig

Chainlink Seminar

Online, 2022
The Sui Smart Contract Platform [slides]
Hosted by Dahlia Malkhi


Online, 2022
Neglected DoS vulnerabilities of blockchain, Consensus Protocol [slides] [recording]
Hosted by Adrian Perrig

Celo and Sommelier Seminar

Online, 2022
BullShark: DAG BFT Protocols Made Practical [slides]
Hosted by Zaki Manian

International Symposium on Foundations and Applications of Blockchain (FAB)

Berkeley, USA, 2022
(Invited Talk) Efficient DAG-Based Consensus [slides]

LSE Blockchain Summit

Online, 2021
FastPay: High-Performance Byzantine Fault Tolerant Settlement [slides]

University of Cambridge Seminar

Online, 2021
FastPay: High-Performance Byzantine Fault Tolerant Settlement [slides] [recording]
Hosted by Ross Anderson

City, University of London Seminar

Online, 2021
FastPay: High-Performance Byzantine Fault Tolerant Settlement [slides]
Hosted by Michał Król


Online, 2020
Scaling Blockchains: Achieving Arbitrary Throughput and Sub-Second Latency [slides] [recording]
Hosted by Ilia Volokh

Protocol Labs Seminar

Online, 2020
FastPay: High-Performance Byzantine Fault Tolerant Settlement [slides] [recording]
Hosted by Marko Vukolić

Berkeley | Facebook Lightning Talks

Online, 2020
FastPay: High-Performance Byzantine Fault Tolerant Settlement [slides] [recording]
Hosted by Dahlia Malkhi

Large-Scale Consensus and Blockchains Workshop

Berkeley, USA, 2019
Replay Attacks and Defenses Against Cross-shard Consensus in Sharded Distributed Ledgers [slides] [recording]
Hosted by Dahlia Malkhi

Zero Knowledge London (ZK-LDN) 0x05

London, United Kingdom, 2019
Coconut: Threshold Issuance Selective Disclosure Credentials with Applications to Distributed Ledgers [slides] [recording]

Facebook Introductions

Menlo Park, USA, 2019
Coconut: Threshold Issuance Selective Disclosure Credentials with Applications to Distributed Ledgers [slides]
Hosted by David Marcus, Evan Cheng


London, United Kingdom, 2018
Zero Knowledge Proof [recording]

London Enterprise Tech Meetup (LNETM)

London, United Kingdom, 2018
Coconut: Threshold Issuance Selective Disclosure Credentials with Applications to Distributed Ledgers [slides]

Grant Thornton | LendingBlock Event

London, United Kingdom, 2018
Characteristics of Blockchains and Compliance Challenges [slides]
Hosted by Linda Wang

Conferences and Workshops

ConsensusDays 23

Online, 2023
Sui Lutris: A Blockchain Combining Broadcast and Consensus [slides] [recording]

International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Sciences and Industry (MCSI)

Online, 2022
Efficient Multiparty Protocols Using Generalised Parseval's Identity and the Theta Algebra [slides]

European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys)

Rennes, France, 2022
Narwhal and Tusk: A DAG-based Mempool and Efficient BFT Consensus [slides]

International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC)

Online, 2021
(Brief Announcement) Twins: BFT Systems Made Robust [slides]

ConsensusDays 21

Online, 2021
Narwhal and Tusk: A DAG-based Mempool and Efficient BFT Consensus [slides] [recording]

International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS)

Online, 2021
Twins: BFT Systems Made Robust [slides]

ACM Advances in Financial Technologies (AFT)

Online, 2020
FastPay: High-Performance Byzantine Fault Tolerant Settlement [slides]

European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P)

Online, 2020
Replay Attacks and Defenses Against Cross-shard Consensus in Sharded Distributed Ledgers [slides]

Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)

San Diego, USA, 2019
Coconut: Threshold Issuance Selective Disclosure Credentials with Applications to Distributed Ledgers [slides]

Stanford Blockchain Conference (SBC)

Sanford, USA, 2019
SybilQuorum: Open Distributed Ledgers through Trust Networks [slides]

Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)

San Diego, USA, 2018
Chainspace: A Sharded Smart Contract Platform [slides]

UK Systems Workshop

Northumberland, United Kingdom, 2018
Chainspace: A Sharded Smart Contract Platform [slides]


Athens, Greece, 2015
Performance Driven Optimizations in FPGA Based QAM Systems [slides]


Mysten Labs Research Offsite

Paris, France, 2023
Blockchains Synchronisation [slides]

Mysten Labs Company Offsite

Hawaii, USA, 2023
FastUnlock [slides]

Mysten Labs Engineering Offsite

Denver, USA, 2023
Mysticeti: The Consensus Protocol [slides]

F2 Research Presentation

Online, 2022
Diem Discovery Service: How to Make Wallets Interoperable [slides]

Sui Engineering Offsite

Las Vegas, USA, 2022
Efficient DAG-Based Consensus [slides]

WhatsApp Engineering Presentation

Online, 2022
Key Transparency: HSM Protocol [slides]

Mysten Labs Research Presentation

Online, 2022
Sui Key Discovery [slides]

Diem Production Day

Online, 2021
Diem Discovery Service: How to Make Wallets Interoperable [slides]

Novi Blockchain Study Hall

Online, 2021
Increasing Throughput with Sharded Blockchains [slides]

Novi Research Presentation

Online, 2020
Digital Identity with Anonymous Credentials [slides]

PhD Defense

Online, 2020
Scaling distributed ledgers and privacy-preserving applications [slides]

UCL Master Defense

London, United Kingdom, 2016
A Privacy Enhancing Architecture for Secure Wearable Devices [slides]
Hosted by Sarah Meiklejohn, George Danezis

KIT Master Defense

Karlsruhe, Germany, 2015
Performance Driven Optimizations in FPGA Based QAM Systems [slides]
Hosted by Jürgen Becker